As a woman considering adoption, you are in control of every aspect of your adoption plan – including the relationship you have with your baby and the adoptive family.
Today, more and more women in your position choose open adoption because it means that every “goodbye” is instead a “see you later.” Open adoption allows you to see your baby grow by either participating in visits with the adoptive family or receiving picture and letter updates of your child – whichever you decide is best for you and your child.
What is Open Adoption?
In the past, almost all adoptions were closed, and birth mothers had very little say in the adoption process. Over the past few decades, as research has shown the benefits of open adoption, and as women have gained more control over their adoption decisions, open adoption has become more and more common.
Today’s adoptions allow you to select the perfect family for your baby, get to know them over the course of your pregnancy, and maintain a lifelong relationship with them after the adoption. This contact can take place through phone calls, emails, and even visits.
However, open adoption is not for everyone. Few women in this position want to share identifying information with the adoptive family, and are instead more comfortable with what is known as a “semi-open adoption.” In this type of adoption relationship, she will receiving picture and letter updates about her child, and may even send or receive the occasional email or text message.
Through a semi-open adoption, you and the adoptive family can form a relationship that fits your unique situation, while maintaining each party’s privacy. If this type of adoption interests you, you are not alone, as nearly 90 percent of today’s birth mothers choose to pursue semi-open adoption.
Benefits of Open Adoption
Open adoption has a positive effect on everyone involved in the process. As a woman considering adoption, this kind of adoption relationship can provide you:
- A voice in the adoption process – Open adoption allows you to communicate with the family before the birth of your baby and let them know the wishes and goals you have for your child.
- A sense of closure – Instead of having to wonder if you made the right decision for your baby, you can see the answer for yourself through open adoption.
- A relationship with your child – As your child grows up, you may be able to get to know him or her, watch him or her grow up, and even one day answer his or her questions about adoption or your family’s history.
Contact Michael Belfonte to get started on your open adoption.