For adoptive families in Kansas City, Missouri or Kansas, Michael Belfonte offers comprehensive legal services required to successfully adopt a child. Michael Belfonte represents adoptive families pursuing:
Each type of adoption requires different legal processes, which may involve any of the following:
Legal Consultation
Every adoption and every situation is different, requiring the expertise, knowledge and attention to detail of an adoption attorney. Michael Belfonte stays up to date on the ever-changing adoption laws in Missouri and Kansas, to ensure the adoption reaches finalization. His adoptive clients are always updated on the status of the case throughout the adoption process so they remain in the know and he’s always available by phone, email, text or personal meeting.
Termination of Parental Rights
In order to complete an adoption, the parental rights of both birth parents must be legally terminated. Missouri adoption laws state a birth mother can consent to an adoption 48 hours after the birth of the child, and Kansas adoption laws state a birth mother can consent to the adoption 12 hours after the birth of the child.
Michael Belfonte has helped hundreds of birth parents voluntarily terminate their parental rights, and handles each step of this delicate process legally and ethically to ensure everyone’s goals are met.
Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC)
Families adopting across state lines must make sure that they adhere to the laws of both involved states. The Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) is a contract that governs the adoption of children across states, and it ensures the safety and well-being of the child being adopted.
If you are adopting from a state other than your home state, Michael Belfonte will make sure that your adoption is ICPC compliant.
Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)
The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) is a law that affects the adoption of American Indian children. The act was implemented in 1978 to protect these children, who were being removed from their communities in large numbers, and to help maintain the stability of Native American tribes.
Families adopting a child of American Indian heritage must meet ICWA standards. If this applies to your adoption situation, contact Michael Belfonte to help you complete your ICWA-compliant adoption.
Contested Adoptions
In rare cases, a family may adopt a child, only to have a birth parent contest the adoption and attempt to reclaim the child. While this is not a common occurrence, it does unfortunately happen. If you are in the midst of a contested adoption, Michael Belfonte can represent you and provide you with the guidance and information that you need.
In order to complete your adoption, you must complete the required post-placement checkups and then appear in court to finalize the adoption. Michael Belfonte will work diligently through out the adoption process to ensure everything is finished and finalization will be achieved.
For more information about how you can start your adoption journey, please contact Michael Belfonte today.